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CCTV pool safety

CCTV pool safety protection.

Have you considered additional steps you can take to keep your family safe around the pool? I recently looked at some of the cameras installed by MrSecured in the Brisbane area and was impressed with the additional layers of protection CCTV can add. 

The pool safety standards focus on preventing access to the swimming pool by a child under five. But what would happen if one of the protection measures failed? When conducting pool safety inspections, I regularly see gates wedged open or hear that a child has dragged a chair over and managed to open the pool gate. Cameras can be an extra set of eyes and give you real-time alerts when someone or a pet enters the pool area giving you the ability to respond when required.  

Cameras are a great addition to protecting your family and complement the mandatory requirements of the pool safety standard. MrSecured can configure pool cameras with intrusion zones to detect when someone or a pet enters the pool area. When the camera identifies a person, it will send an alert directly to an application on your phone called Digital Mobile Surveillance System or DMSS for short. This app is available on both Andriod and Apple devices. The cameras are hard-wired with the option to be upgraded for facial recognition. 

If you want more information or have cameras professionally installed on your property. Give MrSecured a call on 0490 130 339